The project started off with a detailed desk research and a mapping of all caring services of the two pilot regions (Vienna and Hartberg). To identify which services are most urgently needed the project partner GÖG carried out a Needs Assessment in both regions. People in need of care, informal care givers and people interested in the topic were interviewed. In addition, meetings were held with regional health service providers, providers of social services and other relevant stakeholders from the care sector to exchange and discuss ideas, experiences and expectations of the project.
Based on the results, region-specific concepts for the community care centers and the volunteer-based services were developed. The centers and activities will start in autumn/winter 2021 and will run until November 2023.
A financial sustainability report was completed by the GÖG and the project partner NPO Institute created a monitoring tool and a process evaluation. Also, a dissemination plan was developed.
The next steps will be the creation of advertising and information material and the development of a social media presence, in order to advertise the start of the activities efficiently.