The Red Cross of Serbia, together with the Serbian Association for Alzheimer’s Disease, marked September 21, 2022, the World Alzheimer’s Day on the Republic Square in Belgrade.
This year’s slogan was “Know Dementia, Know Alzheimer’s” as a significant step in helping a person after diagnosis. In addition to the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Nataša Todorović from the Red Cross of Serbia addressed those present on the square, who pointed out that dementia does not affect only the individual, but also the family, that it is not only a matter of memory loss, but that the person diagnosed with dementia and the family lose much more, both in the social and economic sense. According to WHO data, about 55 million people in the world suffer from dementia, 10 million newly diagnosed ones are registered every year. It is thought that the global number of people with dementia will double by 2030. The cost of caring for people with dementia is estimated at $604 billion, yet these people remain “invisible” in public health planning. And when one person suffers from dementia, the whole family suffers, not just one person.
In Serbia, it is estimated that around 140,000 people suffer from dementia. So during the event a citizens’ petition was also submitted for the development of the services of the Day Care Center for the Persons with Dementia in Belgrade.
After the speaker’s address, a “Dance to remember” was organized, in which members of the Historical Dance Fans‘ Club danced with young dancers.
At the event, the following organisations had their stands: the Serbian Association for Alzheimer’s Disease, the Red Cross of Belgrade, Caritas of Serbia and the Zvezdara Volunteer Service, where informational and promotional materials were handed out, detailing the activities of these organizations in the field of dementia prevention and support for sufferers and family members.
As part of the project, the Red Cross of Serbia implemented a campaign on 15 billboards in Belgrade, which was aimed at sensitizing the public on the topic in the period from September 10 to 21. This campaign was possible thanks to the project “Addressing and Preventing Care Needs Through Innovative Community Care Centres” financed by the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency, but also thanks to the socially responsible company DPC Networks from Belgrade.