Dementia support services
Volunteer based support services
Volunteer-based services will be piloted in all six project communities, where volunteers will not only provide support to people with cognitive impairments and dementia but also to informal carers. Advice, small chores as well as psychosocial support and respite services shall contribute to a reduction of the stress level among informal carers.
Tablet-based cognitive training tools
A tablet-based training will be piloted in all six project communities by volunteers with the aim to motivate 120 older people with dementia and cognitive impairments to be mentally and motorically active in playful ways (e.g. through puzzles, knowledge and memory exercises, physical exercises, music etc.). A Mini-Mental State Questionnaire (MMSE) and General Depression Scale (GDS) will be conducted before and after the intervention with each client.

DigitAAL is the technology provider for our tablet-based services. More about digitAAL.